Contact Us
Executive Officers
Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are the organization executives responsible for the management, implementation, and usability of information and computer technologies.
Chief Technology Officers
Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) serve as principal advisors to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and are responsible for directing activities and performance of a major functional subdivision of the organization.
Chief Technology Officer - Strategy and Agency Services (Acting)
Niel Smith
(907) 891-4530
niel.smith@alaska.govChief Technology Officer - Governance, Risk, & Compliance
(907) 465-1193
Department Technology Officers
Department Technology Officers (DTOs) serve as a primary technology point of contact within each department. They ensure that IT procurements are in compliance with established standards and review waiver requests.
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development (CED/DCCED)
Eva Loera
(907) 419-1340
eva.loera@alaska.govDepartment of Education and Early Development (EED/DEED)
Paul Krous
paul.krous@alaska.govDepartment of Family and Community Services (FCS/DFCS)
Keith Lewis
keith.lewis@alaska.govDepartment of Labor and Workforce Development (DOL/DOLWD)
Karen Lechner
(907) 465-5282
karen.lechner@alaska.govDepartment of Military and Veteran Affairs (MVA/DMVA)
Jennifer McCaul
jennifer.mccaul@alaska.govDepartment of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT/DOTPF)
Vince Yelmene
(907) 334-5911
vince.yelmene@alaska.govState of Alaska IT Helpdesk Contact Info
These State of Alaska IT Helpdesk contacts were previously called "DEDPAs" - Departmental Enterprise Directory Password Administrators.
Alaska State Legislature (LEG)
Legislative Affairs Agency (LAA) Helpdesk
(907) 465-4357
helpdesk@akleg.govLegislative Finance (LEG Finance)
Legislative Finance Helpdesk
(907) 465-5554
LegFin.HelpDesk@akleg.govOffice of the Governor (GOV)
GOV IT Helpdesk
Anchorage (907) 269-7482
Juneau (907) 465-3874
gov.ithelpdesk@alaska.govJuneau (907) 465-3874
Department of Administration (DOA)
Enterprise Service DeskAlaskaNow Portal
(907) 269-2099 | (907) 465-2099
Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (CED/DCCED)
Agency HelpdeskCommerce HelpDesk
(907) 465-5465 of Education and Early Development (EED/DEED)
(907) 465-6694
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Enterprise Service DeskAlaskaNow Portal
(907) 269-1075
Department of Family and Community Services (FCS/DFCS)
Agency HelpdeskDFCS Helpdesk
(907) 465-8800
fcs.helpdesk@alaska.govDepartment of Fish and Game (DFG/ADFG)
Enterprise Service DeskAlaskaNow Portal
(907) 267-2400
Includes Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC)
Includes Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC)
Department of Health (DOH)
Agency HelpdeskITS HelpDesk
Juneau (907) 465-8200 | Fairbanks (907) 451-3125
Anchorage (907) 269-3444 | Toll-Free 1 (888) 484-5763
doh.its.helpdesk@alaska.govAnchorage (907) 269-3444 | Toll-Free 1 (888) 484-5763
Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOL/DOLWD)
Agency HelpdeskLabor HelpDesk
(907) 465-4895 of Military and Veterans Affairs (MVA/DMVA)
Enterprise Service DeskAlaskaNow Portal
(907) 428-7241
Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT/DOTPF)
Enterprise Service DeskAlaskaNow Portal
(907) 334-2525
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (EED/DEED ACPE)
Agency Helpdesk
(907) 465-6745
EED.ACPE-PCHelp@alaska.govAlaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (CED/DCCED - AIDEA)
Terence Cato
(907) 771-3041
tcato@aidea.orgTed Stevens Anchorage International Airport (DOT/DOTPF TSAIA)
Agency Helpdesk
(907) 266-2625